Wait! Are you still drinking that tap water?

We reply on a variety of sources for drinking water and tap water is probably the most common of them, specifically in large urban areas.

While Australian water authorities insist on supply of water that doesn’t contain harmful concentrations of bacteria, chemicals and pathogenic microorganisms, residential water distribution systems are found loaded with chlorine, fluoride, disinfectants and other toxins that affect that not just affect the taste and colour of water but pose significant health risks.

What’s in your tap water?

Tap water quality has always been a matter of concern and debate. It contains considerable amounts of pollutants and contaminants that when consumed at certain levels can put your health at risk.

Here’s a glance at some of these harmful chemicals found in drinking water.

Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs)

VOCs are organic chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, nitrogen, carbon, chlorine and more found in ground water, some of which are linked with problems in reproductive systems, liver and kidney besides irritation in eye and nose and headaches.

Chemical components

There are naturally-occurring or man-made elements and compounds such as metals, bleach, nitrogen and bacteria in water that happen to interfere with the hormones of human body and possibly cause life threatening medical conditions like cancer.


Decisively added to the drinking water, fluoride is one of the most contentious contaminants in water. Though studies have lead us to believe there are oral health benefits and reduced dental cavities from fluoridated water, the element poses alarming health risks like thyroid and other disorders when taken internally.

Physical contaminants

Besides chemical constituents, there are physical components in drinking water that primarily affect the physical appearance and properties of water.  Examples include sand, gravel, sediments and other organic materials.

How does a water filter help?

Contrary to common belief, a water filter system can do much more than filtering out contaminates.

Listed below are some benefits of water filters in addition to filtration:

  • Improves smell and taste of water by eliminating chlorine and bacterial contaminants.
  • Filtered water costs much less than bottled water, and will prevent plastic waste and pollution through littering.
  • Water filters can remove harmful contaminants such as chloramines, which is becoming more prevalent in today’s town water supplies.
  • Certain filtration systems remove lead and chlorine from drinking water, reducing the risks of rectal cancer and many other fatal medical conditions.
  • Filtered water largely contributes to good overall health.


Why choose a professional service?

While there are countless choices for home water filtration systems, buying the cheapest system is not always the best decision.

Choosing the best water filter that suits your needs is something you should consult with a professional water filtration company. This ensures that you are not only getting the most for your money, but also getting the water filtration solution that you and your family need.

Therefore, even if you might save a few dollars by purchasing a cheap water filter off the internet, you are much better off seeking the advice first from a professional home water filter service provider for the process.

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